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Bepis 25-Aug-21 12:57 PM
i retract my offer to give card creators credit i will continue to upload cards without credit. i have been nothing but accommodating but of course people like you are just so rude and don't understand how the internet works. i have 250GB more cards to import to the site from pixiv, which i will begin soon also, taiwanese traffic shows up as chinese so the server can't tell the difference between china and taiwan
jim60105🦜Taiwan 25-Aug-21 01:15 PM
我很理解網路是怎麼一回事 我的回覆是針對Kaldeqca對伺服器管理層提出的「為BepisDB回報窗口做公告宣傳」的申請,及相關決議的解釋 我的目的只是發表我們的看法,對你沒有強制性 我管不到你,所以我也沒有必要對你的行為負責 即使你的網站正在搞爛創作社群,我並不能怎麼辦 你要阻擋哪個國家對我來說不痛不癢 BepisDB的存在和我們的期望相衝突,越少的訪問對創作社群的傷害就越小,請你儘管屏蔽吧 你拿創作者和自己的流量做人質對我威脅,這對我沒有效用 堂堂正正做人,對得起自己便是
Bepis 25-Aug-21 01:19 PM
sure 👍
i can block taiwan
jim60105🦜Taiwan 25-Aug-21 01:21 PM
It's up to you.
Bepis 25-Aug-21 01:24 PM
you must understand that your request for me to remove all uncredited content is insane i get a lot of requests from japanese and korean creators to remove / give credit, and i comply they are happy with the process i cannot do anything for taiwanese creators who are too lazy to do the same
but if you think blocking taiwan will stop upsetting creators then sure, i have no issue
jim60105🦜Taiwan 25-Aug-21 01:40 PM
不要誤解,阻擋台灣並不能改善問題 台灣人只佔整個社群的很小一部份,我們沒有如此自大 由網站管理的角度來說,我贊成你阻擋不正常的流量訪問,例如Crawler 如果Crawler皆來自中國,那麼阻擋中國是合情合理 此次是針對Kaldeqca的詢問做回覆,駁回了他對管理員提出的申請,並追加解釋 我們從一開始就不認為能對你做什麼,也沒打算主動插手有關BepisDB的事 我沒有提議要你阻擋哪個國家,請不要過度解讀我的話語 你的所有行為都由你自行負責 (edited)
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